Top "Html-parser" questions

Parsing HTML to get text inside an element

I need to get the text inside the two elements into a string: source_code = """<span class="UserName">&…

python html python-2.x html-parser
Python: Extracting specific data with html parser

I started using the HTMLParser in Python to extract data from a website. I get everything I wanted, except the …

python html python-2.7 html-parsing html-parser
Method to parse HTML document in Ruby?

like DOMDocument class in PHP, is there any class in RUBY (i.e the core RUBY), to parse and get …

ruby html-parser
How do I convert a document made in Jsoup (the Java html parser) into a string

I have a document that was made in jsoup that looks like this Document doc = Jsoup.connect("http://en.wikipedia.…

java html-parsing jsoup html-parser
HTML Parser for response - Java

Im using HttpClient to access a particualr website and the response i get is in the form of an HTML. …

java httpclient html-parser
Handling htmlParse error (failed to load HTTP resource)

I'm trying to web-scrape a page. However, from time to time my loop doesn`t work, because the parser "fail …

r html-parser
HTML parsing in FLUTTER for android / iOS development

We know there is a Jsoup library for android developers to parse html text, code etc. As I am new …

android html-parsing flutter html-parser