Top "Html-escape" questions

<h:outputtext> prints HTML as-is instead of actual HTML

I am using JSF 1.2 I am trying to print text using <h:outputtext> <h:outputText id="warningDose" …

jsf html-escape
How can I make a QString html-escaped

How do I escape/sanitize a QString that contains HTML? I.e. showInBroswser(escaped(str)) == showInNotepad(str);

c++ html qt html-escape
why does _.escape modify / characters in Underscore.js?

I was looking through the Underscore.js api and I noticed that _.escape escapes &, <, >, ", ', and / characters. …

underscore.js html-escape
Why in Rails 3, <%= note.html_safe %> and <%= h note.html_safe %> give the same result?

It feels like html_safe adds an abstraction to the String class that requires understanding of what is going on, …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 xss html-escape html-safe