Top "Hsv" questions

HSV is cylindrical color space that determines colors by hue (0°-360°), saturation (percentage of white) and value (percentage of black).

Calculate distance between colors in HSV space

I intend to find a distance metric between two colours in HSV space. Suppose that each colour element has 3 components: …

distance metrics hsv
Cannot get Color.HSVToColor to work on Android

I've derived a class from View and implemented the onDraw method as follows: protected void onDraw( Canvas canvas ) { Paint p = …

android hsv
android convert from rgb to hsv and viceversa

someone can explain why the conversion from rgb to hsv doesn't give the same result when convert back from hsv …

android colors rgb hsv
Why is color segmentation easier on HSV?

I've heard that if you need to do a color segmentation on your software (create a binary image from a …

colors computer-vision image-segmentation color-space hsv
How to interpolate hue values in HSV colour space?

I'm trying to interpolate between two colours in HSV colour space to produce a smooth colour gradient. I'm using a …

javascript colors interpolation gradient hsv
opencv, BGR2HSV creates lots of artifacts

This image is just an example. Top right is the original image, top left is the hue, bottom left the …

python opencv image-processing hsv
HSV ranges for color filter

I am working on a project on detecting traffic signs in opencv. I need a good HSV range to filter …

opencv hsv
Lossy conversion from float64 to uint8

Code from from imageio import imsave import numpy as np newImage = np.random.randint(0, 255, (300, 300, 3)) …

python rgb hsv
Modeling HSV Color Space in MATLAB

I am able to create a 3D cone in MATLAB, but: does anyone know how to paint the cone so …

matlab colors computer-vision hsv
tracking multiple objects by color OpenCV 2.x

Currently i am trying to track multiple objects by color. I've based on documentation code. import cv2 import numpy as …

python opencv threshold hsv bitwise-and