Top "Hpc" questions

High Performance Computing (HPC) refers to the use of supercomputers and computer clusters to solve a wide range of computationally intensive problems.

Difference between nVidia Quadro and Geforce cards?

I'm not a 3D or HPC guy, but I've been tasked with doing some research into those fields for a …

hardware nvidia hpc

Can someone elaborate the differences between the OpenMPI and MPICH implementations of MPI ? Which of the two is a better …

mpi hpc openmpi
ANT Problems: net/sf/antcontrib/

I am attempting to install software onto my Debian Lenny server. Specifically, Capture-HPC. I have setup VMWare server, along with …

java ant debian hpc
mpirun - not enough slots available

Usually when I use mpirun, I can "overload" it, using more processors than there acctually are on my computer. For …

mpi openmpi hpc
GCC SSE code optimization

This post is closely related to another one I posted some days ago. This time, I wrote a simple code …

c optimization sse compiler-optimization hpc
Intel MKL vs. AMD Math Core Library

Does anybody have experience programming for both the Intel Math Kernel Library and the AMD Math Core Library? I'm building …

math optimization intel hpc amd-processor
Is it possible to high performance computing by Golang and CUDA?

I've googled for a while and the only useful infos are: Unfortunately, the …

go cuda opencl archlinux hpc
cannot send std::vector using MPI_Send and MPI_Recv

I am trying to send std:vector using MPI send and recv functions but I have reached no where. I …

c++ vector parallel-processing mpi hpc
Is "cudaMallocManaged" slower than "cudaMalloc"?

I downloaded CUDA 6.0 RC and tested the new unified memory by using "cudaMallocManaged" in my application.However, I found this …

cuda gpgpu nvidia hpc
Tips and tricks on improving Fortran code performance

As part of my Ph.D. research, I am working on development of numerical models of atmosphere and ocean circulation. …

performance fortran hpc