Top "Hook-woocommerce" questions

Use this tag for questions related to WooCommerce hooks.

Add content above the product short description on the product page in WooCommerce

I am looking for a way to insert a custom content between the product title and its short description on …

php wordpress woocommerce hook-woocommerce
WooCommerce filter search by category and custom field

I want to ask how to create a woocommerce custom search form. My search and filter form has 3 fields: Category: …

php wordpress woocommerce hook-woocommerce
Customizing Woocommerce template my-account/form-edit-addresses

Having some issues with the address area of /my-account/edit-addresses/ I would like to customize the form fields within the …

php wordpress forms woocommerce hook-woocommerce
How to create multiple simple-products with same SKU in WooCommerce?

I want to create multiple simple-product with same SKU in WooCommerce. I search in admin settings but there I cannot …

wordpress woocommerce product hook-woocommerce sku
woocommerce_order_status_changed hook: getting old and new status?

How can I get the old status and new status of an order using the WooCommerce hook: woocommerce_order_status_…

wordpress woocommerce hook-woocommerce
Change cart totals title text on cart page in Woocommerce

I'm looking to change the text "Cart Totals" in the cart totals div in WooCommerce or remove it totally with …

php wordpress woocommerce cart hook-woocommerce
Can I modify WooCommerce functions within the 'wc-template-functions.php' file or should I stick with the 'functions.php' file for such modifications?

Why is it the preferred choice, to have WooCommerce function modifications placed inside the theme's 'function.php' file? Overtime, this …

php wordpress templates woocommerce hook-woocommerce
Delete a product by ID using PHP in WooCommerce

Since there is a command: wp_insert_post() shouldn't there be a command: wp_delete_post() Seems like it does …

php wordpress woocommerce product hook-woocommerce
Woocommerce Show only one price for variable product on discount

Here is my WooCommerce website: The issue is, in variable product price the least and the max value …

php wordpress woocommerce product hook-woocommerce
Woocommerce checkout custom select field

I have the following function adding a select list to the woo-commerce checkout form: woocommerce_form_field( 'airport_pickup', array( …

php wordpress woocommerce hook-woocommerce