Use this tag for questions related to WooCommerce hooks.
I am looking for a way to insert a custom content between the product title and its short description on …
php wordpress woocommerce hook-woocommerceI want to ask how to create a woocommerce custom search form. My search and filter form has 3 fields: Category: …
php wordpress woocommerce hook-woocommerceHaving some issues with the address area of /my-account/edit-addresses/ I would like to customize the form fields within the …
php wordpress forms woocommerce hook-woocommerceI want to create multiple simple-product with same SKU in WooCommerce. I search in admin settings but there I cannot …
wordpress woocommerce product hook-woocommerce skuHow can I get the old status and new status of an order using the WooCommerce hook: woocommerce_order_status_…
wordpress woocommerce hook-woocommerceI'm looking to change the text "Cart Totals" in the cart totals div in WooCommerce or remove it totally with …
php wordpress woocommerce cart hook-woocommerceWhy is it the preferred choice, to have WooCommerce function modifications placed inside the theme's 'function.php' file? Overtime, this …
php wordpress templates woocommerce hook-woocommerceSince there is a command: wp_insert_post() shouldn't there be a command: wp_delete_post() Seems like it does …
php wordpress woocommerce product hook-woocommerceHere is my WooCommerce website: The issue is, in variable product price the least and the max value …
php wordpress woocommerce product hook-woocommerceI have the following function adding a select list to the woo-commerce checkout form: woocommerce_form_field( 'airport_pickup', array( …
php wordpress woocommerce hook-woocommerce