Top "Hook-woocommerce" questions

Use this tag for questions related to WooCommerce hooks.

Change WooCommerce default password security level

I am trying to change the WooCommerce Registration form minimum password strength and I am unable to do much. Can …

php wordpress woocommerce passwords hook-woocommerce
Renaming WooCommerce Order Status

I would like to rename the WooCommerce order status from "Completed" to "Order Received". I can edit the script below …

php wordpress woocommerce hook-woocommerce orders
How do I return only image src from "woocommerce_get_product_thumbnail()"?

echo woocommerce_get_product_thumbnail(); that output the whole image tag, how can I get only the image source. same …

woocommerce hook-woocommerce
Which Hook is running after Woocommerce update cart button action

i need to know which hook is running after clicking the update cart button in the cart page . That is …

php wordpress woocommerce cart hook-woocommerce
Display a custom field under WooCommerce single product title

I have problem with a custom fields in WooCommerce. I have tille of product (book) and i want add author …

php wordpress woocommerce product hook-woocommerce
How to change WooCommerce product title on loop

how to change WooCommerce product title on loop, for example change product tile in shop, category page etc.? I am …

wordpress woocommerce hook-woocommerce woothemes woocommerce-theming
WooCommerce: Check if coupon is valid

I am trying to check if a coupon is still valid (hasn't reached its usage limit) and display content under …

php wordpress woocommerce hook-woocommerce coupon
Add "View Product" button below add to cart button in WooCommerce archives pages

Most of the articles on the internet are about How to remove / replace the "view product" or "read more" button. …

php wordpress woocommerce hook-woocommerce storefront
Get Woocommerce variation attributes

I am trying to get variations of a variable product on custom product page. I have two attributes, one for …

wordpress woocommerce hook-woocommerce
woocommerce_checkout_update_order_meta action is not working

Hi today i was working with woo-commerce and i have successfully created some custom checkout fields as per user requirements …

wordpress woocommerce hook-woocommerce woothemes