Top "Hiveql" questions

Variant of SQL used in the Apache Hive data warehouse infrastructure.

MismatchedTokenException on hive create table query

I'm trying to create a Hive table with the following query: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS BXDataSet (ISBN STRING, BookTitle …

hadoop hive hiveql parseexception
Search a table in all databases in hive

In Hive, how do we search a table by name in all databases? I am a Teradata user. Is there …

hadoop hive hdfs hiveql
What is the difference between -hivevar and -hiveconf?

From hive -h : --hiveconf <property=value> Use value for given property --hivevar <key=value> Variable subsitution …

hadoop hive hiveql

I have two tables with a single key column. Keys in table a are subset of all keys in table …

sql hive hiveql semi-join
Delta/Incremental Load in Hive

I have the use case below : My application has a table having multiyear data in RDBMS DB. We have used …

hadoop hive sqoop hiveql
Error in Hive Query while joining tables

I am unable to pass the equality check using the below HIVE query. I have 3 table and i want to …

join hadoop hive hiveql cloudera-cdh
Dropping multiple tables with same prefix in Hive

I have few tables in hive that has same prefix like below.. temp_table_name temp_table_add temp_table_…

hadoop hive hiveql
Concat multiple rows with a delimiter in Hive

I need to concat string values row wise with '~' as delimiter. I have the following data: I need …

sql hive hiveql concat
Explode (transpose?) multiple columns in Spark SQL table

I am using Spark SQL (I mention that it is in Spark in case that affects the SQL syntax - …

sql apache-spark apache-spark-sql hiveql
How does the percentile function work in Hive?

Imagine the following column calledd id: 68 69 43 54 56 61 69 70 71 72 77 78 79 85 87 88 89 93 95 96 98 99 99 62 66 If I do the following: percentile(id, 0.9), the output is 97.2. What is going on?

hadoop hive hiveql