Top "History.js" questions

A JavaScript library implementing the HTML5 History APIs for backwards compatibility with legacy browsers.

React history.push() is updating url but not navigating to it in browser

I've read many things about react-router v4 and the npm history library to this point, but none seems to be …

history.js react-router-v4
pushState() and popState(): manipulating browsers' history

I am working on a small project in which I want to create an Ajax-style website. Content is loaded with …

jquery html pushstate history.js popstate
jquery.history.js VS jquery-hashchange

See I was attracted with jquery.history.js mean while I found http://benalman.…

jquery html history.js hashchange
jQuery & history.js example

I'm having a little trouble using history.js with jQuery. I just wanted to make a navigation set work with …

jquery html history.js
How can I detect the back/forwards buttons being clicked when using History.js?

Im using History.js (click) with jQuery in my code. When loading new content via ajax i use: History.pushState({…

jquery history.js
Preserve dynamically changed HTML on back button

It's amazing, I constantly see this working in other sites but never in sites that I'm working on. I'm bringing …

html ajax firefox browser-history history.js
How do I actually use history.js on my site

I've read all the posts about history.js on stackoverflow including, this, this and this and at looked the source …

jquery ajax browser-history history.js
React require("history").createBrowserHistory` instead of `require("history/createBrowserHistory")

So basically i am having a problem in using the history library in react. Is it because of the latest …

reactjs react-redux react-router history.js
HTML5 history disabling forward button

I am writing a single page javascript application using the HTML5 History API. The application loads content via Ajax and …

javascript jquery html google-chrome history.js
What makes an "Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" error? (Chrome, in other browsers other message)

Culdn`t find what makes that error, and how to find a solution... Working under project:…

javascript jquery loops google-maps-api-3 history.js