Top "Hashchange" questions

hashchange is a DOM window event that is fired when the URL's fragment identifier changes.

On - window.location.hash - Change?

I am using Ajax and hash for navigation. Is there a way to check if the window.location.hash changed …

javascript ajax dom-events fragment-identifier hashchange
Change the URL in the browser without loading the new page using JavaScript

How would I have a JavaScript action that may have some effects on the current page but would also change …

javascript url html5-history fragment-identifier hashchange
jQuery - hashchange event

I am using: $(window).bind( 'hashchange', function(e) { }); to bind a function to the hash change event. This seems to …

javascript jquery hashchange browser-state
Detecting Back Button/Hash Change in URL

I just set up my new homepage at I'm using jQuery, but very minimally. It loads all …

javascript ajax navigation fragment-identifier hashchange
Handle URL anchor change event in js

How can I write the JavaScript callback code that will be executed on any changes in the URL anchor? For …

javascript event-handling dom-events fragment-identifier hashchange
jquery.history.js VS jquery-hashchange

See I was attracted with jquery.history.js mean while I found http://benalman.…

jquery html history.js hashchange
$(window) bind hashchange how to check part hash changed?

I am studing Google Ajax Crawlable I use $(window) bind hashchange to control ajax page loading. my url like: domain.…

jquery hashchange
jquery: hashchange, prevent jumping to hash

I have a hashchange function set up to show/hide different sections of an about page without having 7 separate pages. …

jquery html css hashchange
What's the best library to do a URL hash/history in JQuery?

I've been looking around JQuery libraries for the URL hash, but found none that were good. There is the "history …

javascript jquery ajax fragment-identifier hashchange
Get the hashchange event to work in all browsers (including IE7)

I have some code (written by another developer) that is doing AJAX page loading inside of WordPress (e.g. no …

javascript jquery internet-explorer fragment-identifier hashchange