In statistics, a histogram is a graphical representation, showing a visual impression of the distribution of data.
Since I'm new to opencv, I don't know how to use the cv.CalcEMD2 function with numpy arrays. I have …
python opencv numpy histogram earthdistanceOk, so I have a histogram (represented by an array of ints), and I'm looking for the best way to …
c#-4.0 image-processing histogram mathematical-optimization image-segmentationI am wondering if there is a (better) trick to reverse a cumulative histogram in matplotlib. Let's say I have …
python matplotlib histogram cumulative-frequencyI'm struggling to understand this error, since I'll give you an example that's working and the one I'm interested in …
python python-3.x numpy histogram valueerrorI am trying to create function that takes a histogram and makes a CDF from it. However I cannot use …
matlab statistics histogram probability cdfI am working on a project in which the two images will be checked for similarity like 'Google Image Search …
java image-processing histogram sift image-comparisonIntro In gnuplot there's a solution to create histogram from file named hist.dat what likes 1 2 2 2 3 by using commands binwidth=1 …
plot gnuplot histogram data-fitting binningOk, here's some code in MATLAB: data = [1 1.5 2 3 4 4.5 5 6 7 7 7 0 0 0]; histc(data, [1:1:5]) histc(data, [1:1:5, inf]) histc(data, [-inf, 1:1:5]) which outputs the following: ans = 2 1 1 2 1 …
matlab histogram binsSo I have this, probably, simple question. I created a histogram from data out of an excel file with seaborn. …
python matplotlib histogram seaborn bins