Top "Higher-order-components" questions

Functions are not valid as a React child. This may happen if you return a Component instead of from render

I have written a Higher Order Component: import React from 'react'; const NewHOC = (PassedComponent) => { return class extends React.Component { …

javascript reactjs higher-order-components
TypeScript: remove key from type/subtraction type

I want to define a generic type ExcludeCart<T> that is essentially T but with a given key (…

reactjs generics typescript decorator higher-order-components
Exporting React component with multiple HOC wrappers?

I have a React component that displays styled text, and I want to have it load a network resource, listen …

javascript reactjs higher-order-components
Warning: Unknown event handler property `onHeaderClick`. It will be ignored

I am creating Higher order components for passing some props with another component. But getting the warning for Unknown event …

javascript reactjs higher-order-components
HOC - Functional Component

I have already created a HOC in my react app following this, and its working fine. However i was wondering …

javascript reactjs components higher-order-components
Writing a React higher-order component with TypeScript

I'm writing a React higher-order component (HOC) with TypeScript. The HOC should accept one more prop than the wrapped component, …

reactjs typescript higher-order-components
React: Do children always rerender when the parent component rerenders?

It is to my knowledge that if a parent component rerenders, then all its children will rerender UNLESS they implement …

javascript reactjs higher-order-components
React router v4 - Authorized routes with HOC

I have a problem to prevent unauthorized users from accessing authorized-only routes/components - such as logged in users dashboard …

javascript reactjs functional-programming react-router-v4 higher-order-components
Warning: Functions are not valid as a React child HOC

I'm writing an HOC in Reactjs. When I'm going to return class in WithErrorHandler HOC I get a warning in …

javascript reactjs higher-order-components
Send Variable to withStyles in Material UI?

I have the following: class StyledInput extends React.Component{ styles = (color, theme) => ({ underline: { borderBottom: `2px solid ${color}`, '&:…

css reactjs material-ui wrapper higher-order-components