Top "Highcharts" questions

Highcharts is a Javascript charting library that uses HTML, SVG, and VML.

Highcharts stacked drilldown with n-levels

I am trying to make a column stacked chart along with drilldown but highcharts API doesnt support it as of …

javascript jquery charts highcharts drilldown
Highcharts 3.0 Bubble Chart -- Controlling bubble sizes

With Highcharts 3.0 it is possible to create charts with type 'bubble', whereas prior to 3.0 it was necessary to use a …

highcharts bubble-chart
rCharts with Highcharts as shiny application

I have a shiny application consisting of three files. server.R, ui.R and the file to launch the application …

r highcharts shiny rcharts
Gauge chart with steps of colors

How can I achieve this using highcarts? tired using stops:[...] but it will not work as above image. yAxis: { min: 0, …

javascript d3.js charts highcharts donut-chart
Highcharts yaxis labels Format

Is there any way to format yaxis into something I want. In fact, sometimes on the yaxis the data is …

highcharts highstock axis-labels
highcharts tooltip text align

I have created a graph using high charts. The tooltip works fine in FF and IE but in chorme the …

tooltip highcharts text-align
'G_vmlCanvasManager' is undefined

I am using the highcharts charting library, i am including excanvas if the browser is ie using <!--[if …

javascript excanvas highcharts
Highcharts - temperature gauge

The one drawback to Highcharts that I can see currently is that it doesn't seem to have anything resembling a …

highcharts temperature
Dynamically update Highcharts chart in react

I am using highcharts-react-official in react-redux to create a drilldown chart. However when I click on a bar to drilldown, …

javascript reactjs highcharts react-redux react-highcharts
Highcharts - best way to handle and display zero (or negative) values in a line chart series with logarithmic Y axis

In my HighChart line graphs, the series data is being fed from my Ruby on Rails application dynamically. Sometimes the …

jquery highcharts zero logarithm