Excanvas is a JavaScript library for bringing the HTML5 Canvas 2D API to versions of Internet Explorer prior to version 9.
I used to work on a jQuery plugin named 'BeautyTips' and it was working just fine. But, since I've installed …
jquery internet-explorer-8 canvas excanvas beautytipsI am trying to implement excanvas in order to ensure canvas tags work in IE8 as well as all the …
canvas internet-explorer-8 excanvasExcanvas "for enternet Explorer" is working fine for predefined canvas elements. But when it comes to creating canvas elements dynamically …
javascript canvas excanvasI simply cannot get excanvas to work at all. I have tried everything I can think of. I am even …
javascript jquery internet-explorer-8 canvas excanvasI am using the highcharts charting library, i am including excanvas if the browser is ie using <!--[if …
javascript excanvas highcharts