How to use Hibernate Criteria objects for multiple and/or conditions

Fred Altman picture Fred Altman · Nov 19, 2011 · Viewed 37.4k times · Source

I need to create a Hibernate criteria restriction that ors 3 Conditions. The problem is that the last condition is acutally to conditions using the AND operator.

My first condition:

Criterion startInRange = Restrictions.between("expectedStartCanonicDate", 
                                               rangeStart, rangeEnd);

My second condition:

Criterion endInRange = Restrictions.between("expectedCompletionCanonicDate", 
                                             rangeStart, rangeEnd);

MY third condition needs to AND the following two conditions together:

criteria.add(Restrictions.le("expectedStartCanonicDate", rangeStart));
criteria.add("expectedCompletionCanonicDate", rangeEnd));

The restriction I want to do is condition1 or condition2 or condition3. I have found examples that get me close. I can use a LogicalExpression to or the first two conditions together, however, I'm not sure how to or 3 conditions, particularly when the last condition is really two separate conditions 'anded' together.

Any Thoughts? Fred


JB Nizet picture JB Nizet · Nov 19, 2011

A sequence of restrictions linked with or is called a disjunction. A sequence of restrictions linked with and is called a conjunction.

So, what you need is

  • one conjunction for your third condition
  • one disjunction to link the first, second, and third conditions:

So here it goes:

Criterion startInRange = Restrictions.between("expectedStartCanonicDate", rangeStart, rangeEnd);

Criterion endInRange = Restrictions.between("expectedCompletionCanonicDate", rangeStart, rangeEnd);

Criterion thirdCondition = 
    Restrictions.conjunction().add(Restrictions.le("expectedStartCanonicDate", rangeStart))
                              .add("expectedCompletionCanonicDate", rangeEnd));

Criterion completeCondition = 
