Use this tag for questions associated with the Heroku Command Line Interface (CLI).
I'm working with heroku and every time I try to push my app this message shows out: remote: Compressing source …
ruby-on-rails heroku ruby-on-rails-5 heroku-cliHow do you specify the app you want when you log in to Heroku from the command line? I was …
heroku heroku-cliI accidentally pushed a build that does an npm install in the postinstall script. This has led to my heroku …
heroku heroku-cliI'm trying to run commands for my heroku app in my console, but it keeps telling me "Couldn't find that …
heroku heroku-cli heroku-apiPreviously I could sign into the heroku command line interface with heroku login. But now I get an IP address …
heroku heroku-cliI was trying to deploy my django project on heroku from heroku cli. So I created an app and then …
python-3.x django heroku heroku-cli python-decoupleTermux is a Linux terminal emulator for Android. I want to install the Heroku CLI to be able to manage …
heroku heroku-cli termuxWhen attampting to login to Heroku via the CLI, I get: user@MyMachine:$ sudo heroku login heroku: Press any key …
ubuntu heroku heroku-cliThere are a number of Heroku CLI Postgres commands that all return the same error. For example: $ heroku pg:bloat …
postgresql heroku heroku-postgres heroku-cli postgres-10