Top "Helpermethods" questions

Can Rails Routing Helpers (i.e. mymodel_path(model)) be Used in Models?

Say I have a Rails Model called Thing. Thing has a url attribute that can optionally be set to a …

ruby-on-rails rails-routing helpermethods
Organizing c# project helper or utility classes

What are some best practices for where you should have helper classes in a .NET project? Referring to classes separate …

c# .net helper helpermethods
Recursive helper method

i cant find the right solution for this exercise, here is the task: (Occurrences of a specified character in an …

java recursion helpermethods
Where do I put helper methods for ActionMailer views?

I have a method that takes an array of strings and joins them so they do something like this: >&…

ruby-on-rails actionmailer helpermethods
Unit test helper methods?

I have classes which previously had massive methods so I subdivided the work of this method into 'helper' methods. These …

java unit-testing junit jmock helpermethods
How to organize helper functions

I need to create lot of helper routines for converting strings. Something like : String Function1(String s) {} I would like …

java android string helpermethods
Why is using static helper methods in Java bad?

I'm asking because I'm trying to use a mocking framework (Mockito) which does not allow you to mock static methods. …

java android static-methods mockito helpermethods
Render partial from helper_method

Ok so I have a helper method in the application controller: def run_test(test_name) #computation stuff render :partial =&…

ruby-on-rails partial-views ruby-on-rails-3.1 helpermethods