Top "Helper" questions

Additional functionality not defined in a class that the helper operates on.

My helper methods in controller

My app should render html, to answer when a user clicks ajax-link. My controller: def create_user @user =…

ruby-on-rails controller helper
How to test ApplicationController method defined also as a helper method?

In my ApplicationController I have a method defined as a helper method: helper_method :some_method_here How do I …

ruby-on-rails rspec helper rspec2
Shorten long numbers to K/M/B?

I've googled this a lot but i can't find any helpful functions based on my queries. What i want is: 100 …

php function helper
Can CodeIgniter Helper Functions use database functions?

One of my CodeIgniter Controller functions needs to call a recursive function as part of its functionality. The function call …

php codeigniter recursion controller helper
Using the textarea helper in Rails forms

Why does this code show an error in text area? <%= form_for(:ad, :url => {:action => 'create'}) do |…

ruby-on-rails forms helper
git credential.helper=cache never forgets the password?

I want my password to be forgotten, so I have to type it again. I have setup this: git config …

git caching helper credentials
Organizing c# project helper or utility classes

What are some best practices for where you should have helper classes in a .NET project? Referring to classes separate …

c# .net helper helpermethods
Loop & output content_tags within content_tag in helper

I'm trying a helper method that will output a list of items, to be called like so: foo_list( ['item_…

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 helper block
(PartialView) The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'Customer', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'UserProfile'

@model Customer @Html.Partial("_UserProfile", (UserProfile)Model.UserProfile) When i run this code, i get this error: The model item …

c# razor partial-views helper