Top "Hector" questions

Hector (deprecated) was a Java client project for Apache Cassandra, and has been marked at NO LONGER ACTIVE.

Cassandra Client Java API's

I have recently started working with Cassandra Database. Now I am in the process of evaluating which Cassandra client we …

java cassandra hector astyanax pelops
JUnit Testing Cassandra with embedded server

What is the best approach to write unit tests for code that persists data to nosql data store, in our …

unit-testing testing junit cassandra hector
in cassandra-cli how to get all column names in a table and how to get it using hector in java?

I'm trying to get column names but could not get way to get only column names. In cli I executed …

java cassandra hector cassandra-cli
Cassandra Hector: How to retrieve all rows of a column family?

I am looking for a code example to retrieve all rows and all columns of a column family. Something like: …

cassandra hector
Why don't you start off with a "single & small" Cassandra server as you usually do it with MySQL?

For any website just starting out, the load initially is minimal & grows with a slow pace initially. People usually …

database nosql cassandra hector
Health check for Cassandra connection (using hector)?

For operations monitoring of my application, I am looking for something similar to the commonly used "SQL connection validation" query …

cassandra hector
Basics of Hector & Cassandra

I'm working with Cassandra-0.8.2. I am working with the most recent version of Hector & My java version is 1.6.0_26 I'm …

java cassandra hector
Low write performance of Cassandra

I am new to NoSQL and Cassandra. I am experimenting with settings to acheive an in memory cache only solution. …

java performance nosql cassandra hector
Cassandra / Hector Timeouts = What to do?

i would be thankfull if a sophisticated user could name all possible solutions (best practices) how to fix Hector Client …

cassandra hector
how to exclude in maven the slf4j for hector

In maven dependencies I've added the hector to evaluate the Cassandra <dependency> <groupId>org.hectorclient</…

java cassandra hector