The Heartbleed Bug is a serious vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptographic software library.
"OpenSSL 1.01 — the one production version affected — had been shipping since March 12, 2012" Does this (above) mean that a Windows 2012 R2 server …
iis ssl openssl windows-server-2012 heartbleed-bugWith all the chatter going on about the heartbleed bug, it's hard to find information on what exactly the exploited …
apache ssl openssl heartbleed-bugFollowing the Heartbleed bug, this post on describes how to check vulnerability and upgrade. It includes this advice: …
ruby openssl heartbleed-bugI can't find information on what versions they're using. I'd expect AWS to make a statement about this, because it's …
security ssl amazon-web-services openssl heartbleed-bugI came across this Python script that tests the server for the HeartBleed vulnerability: Would someone be able to explain …
python security openssl heartbleed-bugI am trying to update my web server to the latest openssl with the heartbleed patch ( 1.0.1g ). I grabbed the …
linux openssl heartbleed-bugI am running TeamCity on a Windows machine that uses Tomcat as a web server and uses Apache Portable Runtime (…
windows tomcat openssl apr heartbleed-bug