Top "Headphones" questions

Audio input to android smartphone through headphone jack?

I'm trying to pass audio into an android phone through the headphone jack from an external player. I am reasonably …

android audio input headphones
Sending Data through Headphone jack in Android phones

I'm currently dealing with a new project and I have to send data through headphone jack with specific voltage, then …

android headphones
How To Get Electric Power From Head Phone Jack?

My quest is if anyone knows how to create an Android app that can send electric charge through the device's …

android headphones jack
Check whether headphones are plugged in

I can't seem to find a way to know on android if the headphones are plugged in. I found various …

android audio headphones
Are headphones plugged in? iOS7

Developing an app for an iPhone with audio files that need to be listened too through headphones. How do I …

ios ios7 avaudioplayer avaudiosession headphones
Reacting to multi-buttons wired headphones

I am driving some experiments with a pair of a-JAYS Four headphones (having 3 buttons on its wired remote/mic) plugged …

android button controls headphones
Bandwidth from headphone/microphone jack

I got interested in this after I saw Square use the headphone jack on the iPhone to send credit card …

iphone mobile hardware bandwidth headphones
Detecting if headphones are plugged into iPhone

Does anyone know if you can detect if headphones are plugged into the iPhone, and if they aren't - disable …

iphone audio headphones
Is there an event for when the headphones are unplugged?

During a test, a client noticed that video playback in the iPhone pauses when headphones are unplugged. He wanted similar …

iphone ios objective-c audiotoolbox headphones
Detect if headphones are plugged in or not via C#

There is no example how to detect if headphones are plugged in or not via C#. I assume should be …

c# .net headphones audio-device