Top "Header-only" questions

In C or C++, a library is called header-only if the full definitions of all macros, functions and classes comprising the library are visible to the compiler in a header file form.

In CLion, header only library: file "does not belong to any project target, code insight features might not work properly"

I have a header-only library project set up with the cmake command: add_library(my_library INTERFACE) and I also …

c++ cmake clion header-only
Benefits of header-only libraries

What are the benefits of a header only library and why would you write it that way oppose to putting …

c++ header-only
CMake: target_include_directories() prints an error when I try to add the source directory itself, or one of its subdirectories

I am writing a C++ library (header-only) and am using CMake to generate my (Visual Studio) project and solution files. …

c++ cmake header-only
CLion doesn't resolve headers from external library

Some time ago I started a big header library in C++1x using XCode. The current layout of the library …

c++ header-files clion header-only
How do I create a header-only library?

I'd like to package a library I'm working on as a header-only library to make it easier for clients to …

c++ header-only
How to have static data members in a header-only library?

What is the best way to have a static member in a non-templated library class, without placing the burden of …

c++ static-members header-only