Top "Header-files" questions

Header files are used in some programming languages to hold source code as a single copy that may be reused in multiple source files.

Difference between @interface definition in .h and .m file

Normally we use @interface interface_name : parent_class <delegates> { ...... } @end method in .h file and in .m file …

objective-c interface header-files setter getter
Struct type "does not provide a subscript operator"

I am trying to read values from a file into an array of structs. However, I keep getting compiler errors …

c++ arrays struct header-files subscript-operator
multiple definition in header file

Given this code sample: complex.h : #ifndef COMPLEX_H #define COMPLEX_H #include <iostream> class Complex { public: Complex(…

c++ header-files
endian.h not found on mac osx

I meet some trouble when I compile some C code on my mac which give me this error : fatal error: …

c macos header-files
What is WINVER?

I was looking at some code and they had this line: #define WINVER 0x0501 in stdafx.h file? Why do …

c++ windows header header-files
How to add .c and .h files to Atmel Studio 6?

I know there are a lot of questions on this topic, and I've looked through a fair number of them. …

ide header-files atmel
Include .cpp instead of header(.h)

There are some cases when we include .cpp file instead of standard header file (.h), for example: #include "example.cpp" …

c++ build header-files
Why aren't my include guards preventing recursive inclusion and multiple symbol definitions?

Two common questions about include guards: FIRST QUESTION: Why aren't include guards protecting my header files from mutual, recursive inclusion? …

c++ header-files c++-faq include-guards
Why should I not include cpp files and instead use a header?

So I finished my first C++ programming assignment and received my grade. But according to the grading, I lost marks …

c++ header-files
Declare and initialize constant in header file

I'm well versed in the typical paradigm of: //.h extern const int myInt; //.c, .m, .cpp, what have you const …

c++ objective-c constants header-files compile-time-constant