Top "Header-files" questions

Header files are used in some programming languages to hold source code as a single copy that may be reused in multiple source files.

How do header and source files in C work?

I've perused the possible duplicates, however none of the answers there are sinking in. tl;dr: How are source and …

c compilation header-files
Why doesn't C# have header files? Will the namespace take care of everything?

I'm a novice programmer, can anyone tell clearly about the usage of header files and namespaces in C#? Because in …

c# namespaces header-files nxopen
C++: Namespaces -- How to use in header and source files correctly?

Consider a pair of two source files: an interface declaration file (*.h or *.hpp) and its implementation file (*.cpp). Let …

c++ namespaces header-files
How to make Xcode find file FacebookSDK.h?

It says "FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h file not found" Yet I can jump-to-definition on the #import and it takes me to …

xcode header-files facebook-ios-sdk
Handling header files dependencies with cmake

I am using CMake on a small C++ project and so far it works great... with one twist :x When …

c++ dependencies cmake header-files
Using a struct in a header file "unknown type" error

I am using Kdevelop in Kubuntu. I have declared a structure in my datasetup.h file: #ifndef A_H #define …

c struct header-files kdevelop
How to fix fatal error: zlib.h: no such file or directory?

I'm trying to compile miniSAT on Kali Linux 64 bits but I keep getting the error message: fatal error: zlib.h: …

compilation header-files zlib
undefined reference to <function name>

I have this simple test file: #include "stack.h" int main() { Stack* stck = init_stack(); return 0; } and stack.h is …

c gcc header-files
Difference between <string> and <string.h>?

How come this code std::map <std::string , int> m; m["a"]=1; compiles with (I'm using MSVC 2010) #include &…

c++ string header header-files
default parameters in .h and .cpp files

COMPILER: g++ 4.7.2 Ok. So I am confused about default parameters in .h and .cpp files. It is mentioned in many …

c++ oop header-files