Top "Head" questions

Html <head> element or unix command.

How can I read first n and last n lines from a file?

How can I read the first n lines and the last n lines of a file? For n=2, I read …

bash awk sed head tail
javascript code not work in HEAD tag

My webpage has the following code: <html> <head> <title>This is test Page</…

javascript html head
Set master branch to latest tag

This is an example of how my git repo is right now: v1.0 v1.1 v1.2 | | | a - b - c | | …

git tags push head master
the <script> tag with the jQuery library reference must be inside <head> or <body> tag?

Possible Duplicate: Where is the best place to put <script> tags in HTML markup? I always thought that …

jquery html head document-body
How to get 3D coordinate Axes of head pose estimation in Dlib C++

Dlib C++ can detect landmark and estimate face pose very well. However, how can I get 3D coordinate Axes direction (…

opencv face-recognition head coordinate dlib
unstaged files gone after git reset --hard

I tried the git reset --hard HEAD@{n} from git reflog and I lost everything with my current unstaged files :…

git add reset head reflog
IBM Mq Message Header

I am sending messages to a remote queue, to which I have no control. I send a xml file as …

ibm-mq head
What is the easiest way to use the HEAD command of HTTP in PHP?

I would like to send the HEAD command of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol to a server in PHP to retrieve …

php http protocols head
Where does internal CSS go?

I know that internal CSS should be in the <head></head> section of a (X)HTML …

css head
HEAD with WebClient?

I am going to assume the answer is no but.... Is there a way to use WebClient to send the …

.net http webclient head