Top "Hashtag" questions

A hashtag is an in-text label that classifies content into a specific category, first popularized by Twitter users and now common in social media.

Regular Expression to match #hashtag but not #hashtag; (with semicolon)

I have the current regular expression: /(?<=[\s>]|^)#(\w*[A-Za-z_]+\w*)/g Which I'm testing against the string: Here's …

regex hashtag
An elegant way to get hashtags out of a string in Python?

I'm looking for a clean way to get a set (list, array, whatever) of words starting with # inside a given …

python string list-comprehension hashtag
Facebook API to search public posts containing a particular hashtag

Is there any Facebook Graph API to search all public posts containing a particular hashtag? Example:- I want to …

facebook facebook-graph-api hashtag
window.location.hash returns hash tag in front of value

I have the following code in MVC3 view: $(document).ready(function () { if (window.location.hash) { var manager= new Manager(); manager.…

javascript jquery url hashtag
Grab instagram photo based on hashtags

I am new to instagram and i am tasked to program an application to grab instagram photo uploads based on …

instagram hashtag
getting the full url including the query string after hash

How to get the full URL including the string parameter after hash tag? I try to echo $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_…

php url hashtag
How to account for accent characters for regex in Python?

I currently use re.findall to find and isolate words after the '#' character for hash tags in a …

python regex django hashtag non-ascii-characters
Backbone router with multiple parameters

I need to get this to work: routes: { ':product' : 'showProduct', ':product/:detail': 'showProductDetail' showProductDetail never gets called while …

javascript url backbone.js router hashtag
Database design for apps using "hashtags"

database design question here. Say we had a webapp or something that uses hashtags for 20-40 word notes. What is …

mysql normalization hashtag
What characters are allowed in twitter hashtags?

In developing an iOS app containing a twitter client, I must allow for user generated hashtags (which may be created …

twitter hashtag