Top "Hash" questions

A hash function is any well-defined procedure or mathematical function that converts a large amount of data into a small datum, usually a single integer.

How to implement a good __hash__ function in python

When implementing a class with multiple properties (like in the toy example below), what is the best way to handle …

python hash
How does password salt help against a rainbow table attack?

I'm having some trouble understanding the purpose of a salt to a password. It's my understanding that the primary use …

hash cryptography salt rainbowtable
Java Equivalent to Python Dictionaries

I am a long time user of Python and really like the way that the dictionaries are used. They are …

java python hash dictionary
What is the fastest hash algorithm to check if two files are equal?

What is the fastest way to create a hash function which will be used to check if two files are …

file hash crc
What is the optimal length for user password salt?

Any salt at all will obviously help when salting and hashing a user's password. Are there any best practices for …

encryption hash salt
Parsing URL hash/fragment identifier with JavaScript

Looking for a way to parse key pairs out of the hash/fragment of a URL into an object/associative …

javascript jquery url hash fragment-identifier
Best practice for hashing passwords - SHA256 or SHA512?

I am currently using SHA256 with a salt to hash my passwords. Is it better to continue using SHA256 or …

hash cryptography passwords sha256 sha512
how to get hash code of a string in c++

Following java code returns hash code of a string. String uri = "Some URI" public int hashCode() { return uri.hashCode(); } I …

c++ string hash hashcode
What is the length of a hashed string with SHA512?

Is the length of a string hashed with sha512 always the same? If so, what is it?

hash sha512
HMAC-SHA1: How to do it properly in Java?

I'm hashing some values using HMAC-SHA1, using the following code in Java: public static String hmacSha1(String value, String key) { …

java hash sha1 hmac