Top "Hash-of-hashes" questions

A hash-of-hashes is a multi-dimensional hash that contains nested hashes.

Accessing elements of nested hashes in ruby

I'm working a little utility written in ruby that makes extensive use of nested hashes. Currently, I'm checking access to …

ruby hash hash-of-hashes
how to create hash within hash

How am I able to create a hash within a hash, with the nested hash having a key to indentify …

ruby-on-rails ruby hash hash-of-hashes
Converting nested hash keys from CamelCase to snake_case in Ruby

I'm trying to build an API wrapper gem, and having issues with converting hash keys to a more Rubyish format …

ruby hash key camelcasing hash-of-hashes
Accessing values of json structure in perl

I have a json structure that I'm decoding that looks like this: person => { city => "Chicago", id => 123, name =&…

json perl hash hash-of-hashes
Deleting a specific element from a nested hash

I am trying to work with a nested hash. I have a deck of cards represented as follows: deck_of_…

ruby hash-of-hashes
Multiple key pointing to single value in Redis (Cache) with java

I want to store multiple keys with single value using jedis (Redis cache) with java. I have three keys like …

java caching redis hash-of-hashes
Ruby dup/clone recursively

I have a hash like: h = {'name' => 'sayuj', 'age' => 22, 'project' => {'project_name' => 'abc', 'duration' => 'prq'}} …

ruby hash clone hash-of-hashes dup
Is saving a hash in another hash common practice?

I'd like to save some hash objects to a collection (in the Java world think of it as a List). …

ruby hash hash-of-hashes
How to assign hash['a']['b']= 'c' if hash['a'] doesn't exist?

Is there any way simpler than if hash.key?('a') hash['a']['b'] = 'c' else hash['a'] = {} hash['a']['b'] = …

ruby hash variable-assignment autovivification hash-of-hashes