Top "Hardware" questions

Programming questions related to the physical components of a computer.

I/O Disk Drive Calculations

So I am studying for an up and coming exam, one of the questions involves calculating various disk drive properties. …

hardware file-transfer hard-drive capacity
SD card write limit - data logging

I want track/register when my system (a Raspberry Pi) was shut down, usually due to abrupt power loss. I …

raspberry-pi hardware sd-card fat
Why do computers work in binary?

I have done some searching but have not found a truly satisfactory answer. As a developer i want to invest …

binary hardware computer-science
Howto get hardware information in Linux using C++

I need to get specifications of hard disk on both Win and *nix machines. I used <hdreg.h> …

c++ linux hardware hard-drive
Is booth multiplication algorithm for multiplying 2 positive numbers?

Is booth algorithm for multiplication only for multiplying 2 negative numbers (-3 * -4) or one positive and one negative number (-3 * 4) ? …

algorithm hardware computer-science multiplication
Simulate Key Press at hardware level - Windows

I'm looking for a language or library to allow me to simulate key strokes at the maximum level possible, without …

java python hardware keystroke simulate
Is bit shifting O(1) or O(n)?

Are shift operations O(1) or O(n) ? Does it make sense that computers generally require more operations to shift 31 places …

language-agnostic big-o cpu hardware bit-shift
How to add a new device in QEMU source code?

What could be the step wise approach to emulate/add a new device in qemu using QOM approach? What and …

linux kernel emulation hardware qemu
Why does multithreaded file transfer improve performance?

RichCopy, a better-than-robocopy-with-GUI tool from Microsoft, seems to be the current tool of choice for copying files. One of it's …

performance multithreading hardware
Bandwidth from headphone/microphone jack

I got interested in this after I saw Square use the headphone jack on the iPhone to send credit card …

iphone mobile hardware bandwidth headphones