Top "Handlebars.js" questions

Handlebars is a templating library for JavaScript.

Handlebars Template rendering template as text

I created a helper in Handlebars to help with logic, but my template parses the returned html as text rather …

javascript template-engine mustache handlebars.js
AngularJS and Handlebars - both required or not

I need to know if AngularJS is used as js framework for the front-end, do we need Handlebars separately for …

angularjs handlebars.js is undefined in events

How can one use each input values in events? Hope my below code will explain you well. HTML: <template …

javascript meteor handlebars.js meteor-blaze meteor-helper
handlebars array of json object

i need to template with handlebars an array of json object:(by chrome console) [object,object,object,object] where every …

json handlebars.js
Node.js with Handlebars.js on server and client

I have an app in Node.js using Expressjs and Handlebars as the template engine. Expressjs uses layouts and then …

javascript node.js handlebars.js express
How do I add console.log() JavaScript logic inside of a Handlebars template?

I'm in the process of building a new Meteor app and I can't figure out how to add JavaScript logic …

javascript templates meteor handlebars.js meteorite
Is it possible to assign a parameter value within handlebars templates without using helpers?

I am trying to assign values within a template, the idea is to do something like this: {{#if author}} {{className = …

SetTimeout vs. in an ember app?

Inside my handlebars template: Today's date: {{currentDate}} Current Time: {{currentTime}} Inside my helpers: Ember.Handlebars.registerBoundHelper 'currentDate', (option) -> …

ember.js handlebars.js momentjs
Express.js hbs module - register partials from .hbs file

I'm using the handlebars.js hbs wrapper in express.js. I have templates working fine, but I'm needing to add …

node.js express handlebars.js
How do I use nested iterators with Mustache.js or Handlebars.js?

I would like to use handlebars.js or mustache.js to iterate over a list of families, and then iterate …

javascript handlebars.js mustache