Top "Hamiltonian-cycle" questions

A Hamiltonian cycle is a cycle in a directed or undirected graph that visits each node/vertex exactly once.

Algorithm for finding a Hamilton Path in a DAG

I am referring to Skienna's Book on Algorithms. The problem of testing whether a graph G contains a Hamiltonian path …

algorithm graph-algorithm directed-acyclic-graphs hamiltonian-cycle
What is the dynamic programming algorithm for finding a Hamiltonian cycle in a graph?

What is dynamic programming algorithm for finding a Hamiltonian cycle in an undirected graph? I have seen somewhere that there …

algorithm graph cycle dynamic-programming hamiltonian-cycle
Difference between Hamiltonian path and ST

I was reading up algorithms for finding the minimum spanning tree(in case of weighted graphs) and for finding if …

graph-theory hamiltonian-cycle spanning-tree