Top "Gwt-maven-plugin" questions

Facilitates GWT web application development using Maven as build tool.

How would I give the GWT-compiler more memory when using GWT-Maven?

We have a Maven build that runs the GWT plugin (gwt-maven). Unfortently it is running out of memory. Do I …

gwt maven gwt-compiler gwt-maven-plugin
gwt-maven-plugin: Compile fails "with status 1"

I've been working on a GWT project for a while, and I believe since I've added new dependencies, I get …

maven gwt dependencies command-line-arguments gwt-maven-plugin
GWT maven compiler output directory

I need to set output directory location for GWT compiler using maven plugin. I've investigated the GWT compiler and gwt-maven-plugin …

gwt gwt-maven-plugin
Why does not archetype:generate with parameters work for me?

If i run mvn archetype:generate it works but if i try mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId org.codehaus.mojo -DarchetypeArtifactId …

maven maven-3 maven-plugin gwt-maven-plugin
GWT Does Not Load *.nocache.js

I have this Maven project built with the gwt-maven-archetype. While it runs perfectly with the mvn gwt:run goal, however …

gwt maven tomcat7 gwt-maven-plugin
compiler errors when starting gwt:compile with gwt-maven-plugin

I'm trying to migrating a gwt-project to maven for a couple of days, but keep running into problems. I tried …

eclipse gwt maven m2eclipse gwt-maven-plugin