Top "Gulp-less" questions

gulp-less is a gulp plugin for Less (a dynamic stylesheet language).

Using gulp to compile bootstrap.less files into main bootstrap.css?

I really do like gulpjs it was my task manager of choice, but I kind of wish I knew about …

javascript gulp gulp-less
Gulp.js - Use path from gulp.src() in gulp.dest()

Trying to create a gulp task that will pipe a bunch of files from different folders through LESS and then …

gulp less.js gulp-less
Is there a way to rewrite the HTML to use gulp-minified CSS

I'm struggling with the following: My gulpfile.js compiles all .less, minifies it and concattenates all CSS into ./dist/all.…

concatenation minify gulp gulp-less
Gulp less not handling includes properly, included variables not defined

I am using less and Grunt, and am moving to gulp. My less works. When I run: lessc public/less/…

javascript css less gulp gulp-less
Gulp watch and compile less files with @import

I'm trying to get my head around gulp to watch and compile a .less project + livereload. I have a style.…

javascript gulp livereload gulp-less
Gulp + source maps (multiple output files)

I just started playing with gulp, and it's very fast and easy to use but it seems to have a …

gulp gulp-less
How to use globally installed gulp modules?

I tried this tutorial to basically setup my gulp project and activate less processing and watching. It works. Now I'd …

npm gulp npm-install gulp-less