Top "Gson" questions

Gson is Google's open-source library for serializing and deserializing Java objects to/from JSON.

How to find specified name and its value in JSON-string from Java?

Let's assume we have the next JSON string: { "name" : "John", "age" : "20", "address" : "some address", "someobject" : { "field" : "value" } } What is the …

java json gson json-simple
Gson library in Android Studio

Can someone give me step by step guide to add the Gson library to an Android project? I tried the …

android gson
Gson and deserializing an array of objects with arrays in it

I am trying to use Gson to deserialize a json string returned from my webservice The structure would be returned …

java json gson
How to Parse JSON Array with Gson

I want to parse JSON arrays and using gson. Firstly, I can log JSON output, server is responsing to client …

java android arrays json gson
how to parse JSON file with GSON

I have a very simple JSON with reviews for products, like: { "reviewerID": "A2XVJBSRI3SWDI", "asin": "0000031887", "reviewerName": "abigail", "helpful": [0, 0], "unixReviewTime": 1383523200, "…

java json gson
How to deserialize a list using GSON or another JSON library in Java?

I can serialize a List<Video> in my servlet on GAE, but I can't deserialize it. What am …

java json gson
How to modify values of JsonObject / JsonArray directly?

Once i have parsed a JSON String into a GSON provided JsonObject class, (assume that i do not wish to …

java json gson
Parse JSON file using GSON

I want to parse this JSON file in JAVA using GSON : { "descriptor" : { "app1" : { "name" : "mehdi", "age" : 21, "messages": ["msg 1","msg 2","msg 3"] }, "…

java json parsing gson
Gson: Is there an easier way to serialize a map

This link from the Gson project seems to indicate that I would have to do something like the following for …

java json gson
Convert Map to JSON using Jackson

How can I convert a Map to a valid JSON using Jackson? I am doing it using Google's GSON via …

java json spring jackson gson