Top "Gsm" questions

GSM is an abbreviation for "Global System for Mobile Communication"

How to correctly represent message class in SMPP

I am currently trying to figure out how sms classes are correctly represented in SMPP. However I am by now …

sms network-protocols gsm smpp
Android: How to read low level network info (RSCP, EcN0, Layer 3 Signalling)?

I'm trying to create android app for measuring 2G 3G network similar to QualiPoc. I'm aware that there is basic …

android gsm at-command umts
Raspberry Pi (Python): Send SMS using SIM800L

Raspberry Pi 3 Python 2.7 Sim800L Hi! I am getting errors connecting to the gsm module Here's the code I got …

python-2.7 raspberry-pi3 gsm sim800
Terminating a voice call via AT Command

Im working on a hobby project involving an Arduino and TC35 GSM Module, all is going well really but I …

arduino gsm at-command
Using Arduino GSM shield (with SIM900) to send sensor data to my website via packets

I would like to send LIVE sensor data (say every 1 hour) to my own web page. I'm using GSM/GPRS …

arduino sensors gsm sim900
What are SIM Proactive commands?

STK can run some commands. In all resources (despite few resources) call the commands "Proactive". What is proactive command and …

gsm sim-toolkit
Sending AT commands to SIM900 whilst pppd is active

I have a Raspberry Pi with a SIM900 GSM add-on board connected. I have managed to establish a GPRS connection …

raspberry-pi gsm at-command pppd sim900
SIM800L GSM module not connect to network

I have a SIM800L module and I want to send SMS. But this module is not connect to network. …

gsm at-command sim800
Send At Command to gsm modem with Java

I am trying to make a program to send a sms. I wrote the program but doesn't successfully send the …

java gsm at-command gsmcomm
Creating a local CDMA or GSM network?

I am developing a number of different mobile applications for a number of different mobile devices and I want to …

mobile networking gsm cdma