Top "Gs-vlookup" questions

Use this tag for Google Sheets questions that involve the use of spreadsheet formulas.

Google Sheet pulling data from another spreadsheet if match

So I'm stuck with something. I have two spreadsheets, column A on each are similar but not identical, some values …

google-sheets google-sheets-formula gs-vlookup
Google Drive Spreadsheets: Combining IF and VLOOKUP

I'm trying to work out a formula for combining an IF statement and a VLOOPUP. Basically, I want the formula …

google-sheets gs-vlookup

I'm trying this function on Google spreadsheet without success in order to gather in a sheet a value after a …

google-sheets google-sheets-formula google-sheets-query gs-vlookup importrange
How to calculate the sum of VLOOKUP with two criteria?

I'm looking for a clean(er) way (than using SUMIF with a third row) to calculate the sum of the …

google-sheets gs-vlookup
How to use ARRAYFORMULA + FILTER within Google Spreadsheet?

I have a Google spreadsheet with basically a dictionary of key/value pairs. Keys are unique. In a second sheet …

google-sheets array-formulas gs-vlookup
Wrong results in Google spreadsheets Lookup functions (vlookup, hlookup, match)

The following spreadsheet demonstrates a very odd behaviour of Google Spreadsheets Lookup functions. I've used these functions many times without …

google-sheets google-docs gs-vlookup
Using ARRAYFORMULA and INDIRECT to iterate rows and return as a block

Sheet1 has columns A to D where A contains a unique record key. On Sheet2 I want to rearrange the …

google-sheets gs-vlookup
What is an equivalent for INDEX in ARRAYFORMULA?

I have (what I thought was) a simple lookup table holding some exchange rates. There I am looking up values …

google-sheets google-sheets-formula array-formulas gs-vlookup
Google Spreadsheet Check From What Cell VLOOKUP() Returns

Is there a way to return the cell from which VLOOKUP() gets its value? For instance: ________A_____|__B__| 1 | Mouse | 1 | 2 | Keyboard | 2 | 3 | …

google-drive-api google-sheets spreadsheet gs-vlookup