Growl is a global notification system for the Mac OS X and Windows operating systems.
I want to use the gntp module to display toaster-like notifications for a C/C++ software. I want to package …
python installation pip growlI am looking for Growl-like, Windows balloon-tip-like notifications library in Python. Imagine writing code like: >>> import desktopnotifier …
python cross-platform desktop notifications growlhi im kind of new at jsf enviroment, im trying to update a primefaces growl and then redirect to a …
jsf redirect primefaces growlI am using PrimeFaces 3.3.1. I can customize growls by: .ui-growl { position:absolute; top:50%; left:50%; z-index:9999; } But it customizes all growls. …
css primefaces growlIs there a way to change dynamically the background of the PrimeFaces growl component? I want to be able to …
primefaces growlI am using <p:growl> component of PrimeFaces 3.2 to show faces messages. I would like to customize its …
css jsf primefaces growlI'm using <p:fileUpload> which is restricted to PDF only. However, the invalidFileMessage shows inside the <p:…
jsf file-upload primefaces message growlI have a bash script that uses growlnotify to send notifications. However, growlnotify doesn't work if Growl isn't already running, …
macos bash command-line growl growlnotifyI want to create a push notification system like Facebook. Whenever Facebook wants to tell you something (like that someone …
jquery ruby-on-rails notifications growl