Vadim  Kasich picture Vadim Kasich · Jun 21, 2016 · Viewed 7.5k times · Source

Suppose we have data something like this:

    date    | campaign | raw | unq 
 2016-06-01 | camp1    |   5 |   1
 2016-06-01 | camp2    |  10 |   1
 2016-06-01 | camp3    |  15 |   2
 2016-06-02 | camp4    |   5 |   3
 2016-06-02 | camp1    |   5 |   1

I need to group it in such a way as to obtain the following result:

    date    | campaigns           | raw  | unq 
------------+---------------------+----- +-----
 2016-06-01 | camp1, camp2, camp3 |   30 |   4
 2016-06-02 | camp4, camp1        |   10 |   4

Mysql for these purposes has a function GROUP_CONCAT. Vertica also supports GROUP_CONCAT but I cannot make proper query due to the OVER clause and mandatory partitioning


woot picture woot · Jun 29, 2016

Assuming you've compiled and created the function in the sdk/examples directory, you should be able to do:

select date, sum(raw) "raw", sum(unq) unq, rtrim(agg_concatenate(campaign || ', '),', ')
from mytest
group by 1
order by 1

I use rtrim to get rid of the last ', '.

If you haven't created it, you can do so:

-- Shell commands
cd /opt/vertica/sdk/examples/AggregateFunctions/
g++ -D HAVE_LONG_INT_64 -I /opt/vertica/sdk/include -Wall -shared -Wno-unused-value -fPIC -o Concatenate.cpp /opt/vertica/sdk/include/Vertica.cpp

-- vsql commands
CREATE LIBRARY AggregateFunctionsConcatenate AS '/opt/vertica/sdk/examples/AggregateFunctions/';
CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION agg_concatenate AS LANGUAGE 'C++' NAME 'ConcatenateFactory' LIBRARY AggregateFunctionsConcatenate;