Top "Gridlayoutmanager" questions

A RecyclerView.

center items horizontally in RecyclerView(using GridLayoutManager)

I'm trying to center all my items horizontally for each row in RecyclerView I tried many things: RelativeLayout as a …

android android-layout android-recyclerview gridlayoutmanager
Recycler View with multiple rows and columns - AutoFit like Flow Layout [Android]

I'm in a challenge to build a layout like this: My first insight was to use a RecyclerView with an …

android layout-manager android-recyclerview flowlayout gridlayoutmanager
RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager trying to solve wrap_content

I try to solve the following: using RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager with fixed cell-widths recyclerview resizing only to the necessary height (…

android android-recyclerview gridlayoutmanager
RecyclerView grid with different item sizes

I need to create a horizontal scrolling grid that can allocate items with different width and different height. StaggeredGridLayoutManager can …

android android-recyclerview gridlayoutmanager
GridLayoutManager setSpanSizeLookup creating blank cells

currently I'm exploring more on RecyclerView and GridLayoutManager and trying to achieve a nice looking UI for gallery display but …

android android-recyclerview gridlayoutmanager
RecyclerView's GridLayoutManager dynamic span count

I am using following code dynamically change span count. val layoutManager = GridLayoutManager(this, 3) layoutManager.spanSizeLookup = object : GridLayoutManager.SpanSizeLookup() { override fun …

android android-recyclerview gridlayoutmanager
How can I fill RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager from right to left

I'm trying to fill some data into a RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager: GridLayoutManager layoutManager = new GridLayoutManager(this, 3, GridLayoutManager.VERTICAL, false); This …

android android-recyclerview right-to-left gridlayoutmanager
Centering items in a RecyclerView when it's implemented with GridLayoutManager

I have a RecyclerView implemented using the GridLayoutManager. Depending on how many items are in the data set, the spanCount …

android margin android-recyclerview centering gridlayoutmanager
Divide width between two columns in GridLayoutManager

I used GridLayoutManager as my layout manger for recycler view. mRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(new GridLayoutManager(getContext(), 2)); the result is like below: …

android android-layout android-recyclerview gridlayoutmanager
GridLayoutManager spanSizeLookup bug

I am having an issue with GridLayoutManger setSpanSizeLookup, when an orientation of activity changes, I am changing the span count …

android zxing android-recyclerview gridlayoutmanager