Recycler View with multiple rows and columns - AutoFit like Flow Layout [Android]

Renan Nery picture Renan Nery · Aug 20, 2015 · Viewed 9.9k times · Source

I'm in a challenge to build a layout like this:

enter image description here

My first insight was to use a RecyclerView with an adapter that can deal with each item and inflate its layout.

So far, not so good.

I got this layout so far:

enter image description here

I can felling that I'm almost there, but really... I spend a week think about how to make it better, or just like the UI propose.

Some of my tries were

  1. Use a grid layout and change max columns number depending on how many items there are on the list
  2. StaggeredGridLayoutManager sounded like a powerful candidate to fix it and make me happy, but unfortunately when I tried to use it I realize that we need to pass a number of spanCount (columns) on constructor and I found some ways to work around this limitation changing the number of columns of each row, but I didn't like the final result, was not like I saw in other apps like Foursquare when you setup your interests.
  3. I checked out this library Flow Layout, but I not even started to use it, because I don't want to lose the whole recycler view power and I believe that there is a way to make it works! .....Even knowing that the library do exactly what I need.

Guys, I'm not here looking for some already done peace of code or someone to do my job. Actually I am looking for the light at the end of the tunnel.


Hardy picture Hardy · Nov 17, 2015

Hello if you dnt want to use recyclerview there is another example using custom Library which acts like List GitHubLibrary TagLayout

  • Sample Code:

    mFlowLayout.setAdapter(new TagAdapter<String>(mVals)
           public View getView(FlowLayout parent, int position, String s)
               TextView tv = (TextView) mInflater.inflate(,
                       mFlowLayout, false);
               return tv;

Using below code you can pre set selection you wanted:


Will show result like below:-

enter image description here