grep is a command-line text-search utility originally written for Unix.
Using Silver Searcher, how can I search for: (non-binary) files with a word or pattern AND all filenames, with a …
command-line terminal grep command-line-interface ackIs there a way to show the git-diff filtered by a given pattern. Something like git grepdiff pattern changed file +++ …
git grep diffMy objective is to match email addresses that belong to the Yahoo! family of domains. In *nix systems (I will …
regex linux grep case-insensitive trI know that, if I wanted to grep for a pattern only on files with certain extensions, I could do …
git grep file-extensionI am trying to use the grep command in a python script using the subprocess module. Here's what I have: …
python grep subprocess popenIf I do a find . -mmin -1 I get 'myfile' which was modified in last one minute. But when I …
linux unix find grep systemtime