My objective is to match email addresses that belong to the Yahoo! family of domains. In *nix systems (I will be using Ubuntu), what are the benefits and drawbacks to any one of these methods for matching the pattern?
And if there is another, more elegant solution that I haven't been capable of imagining, please share.
Here they are:
with option -i
:grep -Ei "@(yahoo|(y|rocket)mail|geocities)\.com"
:tr [:upper:] [:lower:] < /path/to/file.txt | grep -E "@(yahoo|(y|rocket)mail|geocities)\.com"
grep -E "@([yY]ahoo|([yY]|[rR]ocket)[mM]ail|[gG]eo[cC]ities)\.[cC][oO][mM]" /path/to/file.txt
grep -i
turned out to be significantly slower than translating to lowers before grepping, so I ended up using a variation of #2.
Thanks @mike-w for reminding me that a simple test goes a long way.