The greatest common divisor (GCD) of two or more non-zero integers, is the largest positive integer that divides the numbers without a remainder.
So I'm trying to learn R and using a number of resources including a book called "Discovering Statistics using R" …
r greatest-common-divisorI already have a function that finds the GCD of 2 numbers. function getGCDBetween($a, $b) { while ($b != 0) { $m = $a % $b; $…
php math greatest-common-divisorI just found this algorithm to compute the greatest common divisor in my lecture notes: public static int gcd( int …
java algorithm greatest-common-divisorSuppose you have a list of floating point numbers that are approximately multiples of a common quantity, for example 2.468, 3.700, 6.1699 which …
algorithm language-agnostic math floating-point greatest-common-divisorThis is a simple task but i can't seem to figure out how to do it Here is a sample …
algorithm greatest-common-divisorI am trying to write a function to find the gcd of 2 numbers, using Euclid's Algorithm which I found here. …
c++ algorithm greatest-common-divisor