I am trying to visualize a tree structure using graphviz, problem is as the graph gets bigger graphviz starts to rearrange the order of the nodes. Say I have the following,
/ | \
it becomes,
/ | \
it probably does this to save space but in my context order of the nodes matter I have tried adding,
graph [ordering="out"];
but it did not change the output.
digraph bt {
graph [ordering="out"];
node [style="rounded", shape=box]
N_2386 -> N_2387
N_2387 -> N_2388
N_2388 -> N_2389
N_2388 -> N_2390
N_2387 -> N_2391
N_2386 -> N_2392
subgraph cluster_2393 {
labeljust = "l";
N_2392 -> N_2394
N_2394 -> N_2395
N_2395 -> N_2396
N_2396 -> N_2397
N_2397 -> N_2398
N_2397 -> N_2399
N_2396 -> N_2400
N_2400 -> N_2401
N_2400 -> N_2402
N_2395 -> N_2403
N_2403 -> N_2404
N_2404 -> N_2405
N_2405 -> N_2406
N_2403 -> N_2407
N_2407 -> N_2408
N_2408 -> N_2409
N_2409 -> N_2410
N_2410 -> N_2411
N_2411 -> N_2412
N_2412 -> N_2413
N_2412 -> N_2414
N_2412 -> N_2415
N_2411 -> N_2416
N_2416 -> N_2417
N_2416 -> N_2418
N_2416 -> N_2419
N_2408 -> N_2420
N_2408 -> N_2421
N_2403 -> N_2422
N_2395 -> N_2423
N_2392 -> N_2424
graph in question What I need is, N_2387 should be on the right N_2392 should be on the left. Which is the order I insert them.
I tried the following
digraph g {
ordering=out ;
node [shape=box] ;
a -> b ; a -> c ; a -> d ; a -> e ; a -> f ;
a -> g ; a -> h ; a -> i ; a -> j ; a -> k ;
a -> l ; a -> m ; a -> n ; a -> o ; a -> p ;
a -> q ; a -> r ; a -> s ; a -> t ; a -> u ;
a -> v ; a -> w ; a -> x ; a -> y ; a -> z ;
and all nodes b
are on the same level in the correct order.
What version are you using?