I want to create a graphql type that can return either an Array of Integers
or String
I've already tried using union in the form
union CustomVal = [Int] | String
, but this returns an error.
The schema declaration is:
union CustomValues = [Int] | String
type Data {
name: String
slug: String
selected: Boolean
values: CustomValues
The error is:
return new _GraphQLError.GraphQLError('Syntax Error: ' + description, undefined, source, [position]);
Syntax Error: Expected Name, found [
GraphQL request (81:23)
81: union CustomValues = [Int] | String
Is this possible to do in graphql? If not, can you please suggest an alternative to do this.
I ask this as the union documentation says that Note that members of a union type need to be concrete object types; you can't create a union type out of interfaces or other unions.
Any solutions would be highly helpful.
Follow this https://github.com/facebook/graphql/issues/215, Graphql does not support scaler union types currently, you can do this
union IntOrString = IntBox | StringBox
type IntBox {
value: Int
type StringBox {
value: String
or you can have your custom type, see this graphql, union scalar type?