I'm trying to query a list of objects having array of IDs. Something similar to following SQL query:
SELECT name FROM events WHERE id IN(1,2,3,...);
How do I achieve this in GraphQL?
You can definitely query with an array of values! Here's what the query itself would look like:
events(containsId: [1,2,3]) {
And the type would look something like:
const eventsType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'events',
type: // your type definition for events,
args: {
containsId: new GraphQLList(GraphQLID)
If you wanted to parameterize this query, here's an example of that:
query: `
query events ($containsId: [Int]) {
events(containsId: $containsId) {
variables: {
containsId: [1,2,3]