Top "Graphite" questions

Graphite is a highly scalable real-time graphing system, specifically built to visualize numeric time-series data.

How to change the x axis in Graphite/Grafana (to graph by day)?

I would like to have a bar graph in graphite/grafana that has a single bar per day, over the …

data-visualization graphite statsd grafana
Is there any way to fill in missing data in graphite when using statsD?

I'm using statsD to report counter data to graphite; sends a tick everytime I get a message. This works great, …

graphite statsd
Sum multiple metrics without summing over a wildcard?

I have the following metrics: folsomite.<host>.cache.hit1 folsomite.<host>.cache.hit2 folsomite.<host&…

graphite grafana
How to make a choice between OpenTSDB and InfluxDB or other TSDS?

They both are open source distributed time series databases, OpenTSDB for metrics, InfluxDB for metrics and events with no external …

graphite opentsdb influxdb
unable to configure grafana with graphite

I am using Nginx to serve both graphite and grafana (they are all running on the same server - not …

nginx graphite
Graphite: show change from previous value

I am sending Graphite the time spent in Garbage Collection (getting this from jvm via jmx). This is a counter …

Is it possible to query data from Whisper (Graphite DB) from console?

I have configured Graphite to monitor my application metrics. And I configured Zabbix to monitor my servers CPU and other …

api console graphite whisper
Is it possible to duplicate a row in grafana?

I want to have many rows on the same dashboard which are very similar, so row duplication would prove very …

graphite grafana
accumulation of value in Graphite

I send one message each time a user connect to my site. With this format: "user_login 1 13xxxxxxx" (key value …

Grafana dividing 2 series

I'm trying to divide 2 series to get their ratio. For example I'm got sites (,, …

graphite grafana divide