How to make a choice between OpenTSDB and InfluxDB or other TSDS?

yang.leo picture yang.leo · Aug 28, 2014 · Viewed 13.5k times · Source

They both are open source distributed time series databases, OpenTSDB for metrics, InfluxDB for metrics and events with no external dependencies, on the other OpenTSDB based on HBase.

Any other comparation between them?

And if I want to store and query|analyze metrics real-time with no deterioration loss based on time series, which would be better?


herberts picture herberts · Mar 30, 2016

Warp 10 is another option worth considering (I'm part of the team building it), check it out at

It is based on HBase but also has a standalone version which will work fine for volumes in the low 100s billions of datapoints, so it should fit most use cases out there.

Among the strengths of Warp 10 is the WarpScript language which is built from the ground up for manipulating (Geo) Time Series.