Raster graphics in xterm?

user14554 picture user14554 · Jan 22, 2010 · Viewed 9.3k times · Source

No, not ASCII graphics, see the screenshot here:



How is that even possible?

I checked the source and it only prints character sequences. However, I am unable to find any reference to graphic drawing or image embedding escape sequences in xterm documentation or elsewhere.

w3m also seems to be the only software doing this.

There are vector graphics in Tektronix emulation, but this is done in VT mode.

Maybe I am looking for the wrong thing?

Any idea?


Kornel Kisielewicz picture Kornel Kisielewicz · Jan 22, 2010

It's a cheat.

Note that this feature works only in "supported terminals" -- and by that it meant xterm, and rendering directly on the xterm window via xv.

Or not! Just checked the sources, the file that interests us is here. It's still a hack -- via X11 and GTK!