Top "Gradle-experimental" questions

The new experimental gradle plugin for Android

How does one set a C/C++ include path with Gradle Experimental Plugin?

Android Studio cannot find my header files when they are in a location different to the main source folder of …

android-studio gradle android-ndk android-gradle-plugin gradle-experimental
How to build an Android Gradle based app with NDK only for the ARM target?

I have a .so file from vendor which only support "arm". Currently it works perfectly fine for my Android application. …

android android-ndk android-gradle-plugin gradle-experimental
How to build NDK module using gradle experimental plugin?

I'm trying to build project with module which uses NDK. But Gradle build gives error. this is my build.gradle(…

android android-ndk gradle-experimental
How to specify sourceCompatibility compile options when using the Android Gradle Experimental plugin

I'm currently using the Android Gradle Experimental plugin in one of my apps and I would like to be able …

android android-gradle-plugin gradle-experimental retrolambda
How do you set APP_PLATFORM in Gradle NDK plug-in in Android Studio?

I'm building an app with an NDK library using Android Studio 1.5.1 and the Gradle experimental plugin 0.4.0. Even though the Gradle …

android-studio android-ndk gradle-experimental