GQL is a SQL-like language for retrieving entities or keys from Google Cloud Datastore.
Simple one really. In SQL, if I want to search a text field for a couple of characters, I can …
google-app-engine google-cloud-datastore gqlHow do I write a query against the entity key using GQL in the Google App Engine Data Viewer ? In …
google-app-engine google-cloud-datastore gqlI figure one way to do a count is like this: foo = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM bar WHERE baz = 'baz') …
google-app-engine gql gqlqueryI would think this would be easy for an SQL-alike! What I want is the GQL equivalent of: select count(*) …
google-app-engine gqlI want to build GQL query to get an object using its numeric id. I'm doing this in Datastore viewer …
google-app-engine gqlI need to iterate and delete all records of my datastore. I am using Google App engine Launcher to test …
python gqlI have three records in a table example: *Usernames* *email* *city* Nick [email protected] London Vikky [email protected] …
google-app-engine gql gqlqueryI have a simple table in Google App Engine with a date field. I want to query all the rows …
google-app-engine gql gqlqueryDoes anyone have any good information aside from the Google App Engine docs provided by Google that gives a good …
python sql google-app-engine gql